One of the most difficult questions that everyone has to answer after an exhibition – what to do with this heap of catalogs? Yes, this is my little mountain of catalogs on the photo above, just a part of it.

Actualog offers a unique classifier and provides categories templates for forty industries, and I use those catalogs to define facets, categories and attributes.
Why it is necessary to use this heavy bulky catalogues? After all, this information is on the Internet.

Surprisingly, quite often product information on the companies’ web-sites is less complete than in printed catalogs. Brochures and catalogs are usually prepared before the exhibition; it is well-established process that bearing  fruit. Companies periodically publish and distribute catalogs. It is like the migration of salmon, it’s a lifestyle.

This phenomenon can be explained rather by the habit than common sense. Preparation of printed catalogs has become an important work for many employees. It is a hard work, a time-consuming project, and fortunately, the result creates satisfaction, you can hold it in your hand! With the electronic catalog is not the same, it is even not a project. It is a routine, the daily work to maintain and keep up to date information about products. Such work could not bring a lot of enthusiasm.

Soon it will change. According to Forrester 69% of B2B companies expect to stop publishing print catalogs entirely within the next three to five years. Great news, but they have to learn how to manage with digital catalogs.

Electronic catalog is not a digital clone of your old printed catalog. It may be different for each customer; may be up to date and new every day, сan be translated into tens of languages. Each product in the digital catalog could have pictures, documents and videos. There could be contacts of sales managers, service organizations, technical assistance, and they will be relevant for a particular client according to location.

Actualog will bring you the power of digital catalogs specially designed for B2B companies.


Sergey Revkov · 05/01/2015 at

Не стоит хоронить раньше времени. Остаются вещи не имеющие абсолютного решения в электронном варианте
1.Качество печати/цветопередачи
2.неопределенность пропорций экрана vs определенный размер печатного варианта каталога
3.Цена напечатанного vs цена флешки
4.Пространственная оккупация территории клиента -по крайней мере еще раз посмотрят перед тем как выкинуть
5.Самодостаточность для потребления -бери и смотри

собственно в в каждом конкретном случае значимость указанных или иных факторов может варьироваться -однако процент случаев когда все они низводятся к ничтожным будет намного меньше указанных в заметке 69ти процентам.

Kate Koltunova · 14/01/2015 at

Все сказанное верно для буклета. Его роль – презентация компании, тут важна бумага и полиграфия. Каталог – это полная информация о выпускаемой продукции. Его роль иная, здесь важна полнота описания, удобство навигации, актуальность. По эти параметрам электронные каталоги выигрывают.

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