
As we transition Actualog PIM from .Net 4.2 to .Net 8.0 MVC Core with the help of ChatGPT Guru, we’re seizing the chance to also refine our translation services by integrating AI technology. We manage a diverse array of items: facets, categories, attributes and their values, measure and measure units, and of course, products and services — across multiple industries. Our goal is to enhance translation and context enrichment using AI to enable context-aware translations.

The core idea is to go beyond traditional translation tools by developing a deeper, more nuanced understanding of context. This means not just translating words but understanding their meaning within the specific industry and usage. To achieve this, we’ve implemented a combination of AI-driven services and a systematically organized class system. These enhancements have significantly improved the accuracy of our translations and their relevance to specific fields.

This context-enabled approach is particularly beneficial for industry-specific product data, where precision and technical accuracy are crucial. By understanding the context in which terms and phrases are used, our system can provide translations that are not only linguistically correct but also appropriate and effective within the industry context. This leads to clearer communication and better usability for international clients in their respective markets.

System Architecture

The translation system is centered around the AIContext class, which encapsulates all relevant information required to perform accurate translations. Here is a brief overview of how the system components interact:

AIContext Class

The AIContext class holds detailed entity information including synonyms, related terms, facets, and more. This class is pivotal in providing a rich context to the translation process, which is essential for achieving accuracy and cultural relevance.


  • Orchestrates the translation process.
  • Calls upon the ContextBuilder to create an instance of AIContext for the entity to be translated.
  • Uses the OpenAITranslationService to perform the actual translation based on the narrative constructed from the AIContext.


  • Responsible for constructing the AIContext by pulling data from various repositories related to the entity.
  • Ensures that the AIContext is comprehensive and filled with all necessary data to inform the translation process.


  • Integrates with OpenAI’s API to translate the text.
  • Receives a narrative or context-rich string from AiFeaturesService and performs the translation into the specified language(s).

Interactions Between Classes

The flow of data and control between these components is crucial for the functionality of the system:

  1. Translation Request: When a translation is requested, AiFeaturesService initiates the process by invoking ContextBuilder.
  2. Context Building: ContextBuilder constructs an AIContext based on the specific entity, fetching all necessary data from various repositories.
  3. Narrative Construction: Once the context is built, AiFeaturesService constructs a narrative that includes all contextual information. This narrative is what will be translated to ensure the translated text retains the context’s nuances.
  4. Performing Translation: The narrative is passed to OpenAITranslationService, which interacts with the OpenAI API to translate the narrative into the target language.
  5. Result Handling: The translated text is then returned and can be post-processed or directly used depending on the application requirements.

Future Development Perspectives

Looking forward, the development of this translation system can be enhanced in several ways:

  • Advanced AI Integration: Incorporating more sophisticated AI models to improve the understanding and generation of narratives.
  • Increased Language Coverage: Expanding the system to support more languages and dialects, adapting to the growing needs of Actualog’s global user base.
  • Feedback Loop Implementation: Establishing mechanisms to gather and analyze user feedback on translation accuracy and contextual relevance. This data can be used to fine-tune the AI models and improve the system iteratively.

The design and implementation of Actualog’s translation service represent a significant advancement in handling the complexities of translating entity-specific content. By carefully designing the interaction between AI-powered services and structured classes, the system achieves a high level of accuracy and maintains the context integrity crucial for diverse global communications. This technical architecture not only facilitates current needs but also provides a scalable foundation for future enhancements.


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